Friday, December 12, 2008


So rather than using the words Michael uses, I will use my words and I would describe myself as a little emotional over the past week. I always always get emotional around my kiddos' birthdays and yesterday was no exception!


It was one of the absolute BEST birthdays I have ever shared with my children. If you asked him his favorite part he might say sharing his birthday with his school friends and having mommy and Kitty bring in a special treat to school, or going to see Santa, making an animal at Build a Bear, or having his daddy make spaghetti and meatballs AND macaroni and cheese.

But if you ask me, I will say something totally different. My favorite part was the one hour we had alone yesterday afternoon. We played a couple of games and sat on the sofa and snuggled and talked. I mean, life just does not get any better than that!

Carter can be a handful when he wants, but he surely knows how to turn the charm on.

Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Facebook Get Behind Thee!!!!

I am addicted. I love facebook. I am a social girl by nature and that I can socialize with that many people is a whole lot of fun. But through this election facebook became my soapbox and I am not normally one to get on a soapbox.

I got in more "discussions" with my Obama Mama friends and they turned pretty heated, pretty quick.

I really really really want to be excited about the historical significance of yesterday, but I just can't. I am going to admit here and now...I am not a moderate like I have said many times over. I am a conservative and I am proud of that. I will not waiver. I did not come to my political ideologies by listening to some talking head on TV or radio. It has been through prayer, research and reading my Bible.

I will not support a party, but rather people within a party that I feel like I can better align myself with, that represents me and my morals. And our new President and I do not share many values. I will respect the "Office" in which he holds and I will respect him as a man as long as he is honorable, but do not have to respect his policies.

When "W" was elected I was 25. No kids and a different person than I am now. I have not had to be a "political activist", but I might have to be now. No more excuses, no more trying to be "PC" but I will not be "in your face" about it either. There is a time and place for everything.

So facebook caused me to become more solid in my beliefs because I had to stand up for myself because no one else will!!! Should I thank it or just keep making wall posts???

Monday, November 3, 2008

This is for you Laura

Okay, Laura I revisited my blog and I will try to work on posting JUST FOR YOU!!!! As long as you keep lovin' on those sweet babies for me!!

I will not bore ALL of my readers (Laura) with the details of my life for the past two months. But here is the, school, baseball, Auburn football, PTA, you get the idea.

So here is what is going on in my brain today...I'm over it. I mean for real. I am so over this whole college thing. Here is what pushed me over today:
I am "TOSSing" next semester, in other words it is my method classes. Pretty intense, lots of work, etc. Well, I missed my 9:30 class this morning because I HAD to get to the dr. because I was sure I had a UTI (and boy did I!!). Anyway, I had heard that an advisor came down to talk to our class about TOSS. So I went to see her and see what info. I could pick up. So she pretty much bit my head off and said she didn't have time to answer my questions.
I was so pissed...I am not an average college student, I am 33, two kids and I am serious about this!! I don't skip class and I am diligent with my work. But I had to go to the dr., my husband was out of town to be there for his step-mother's surgery and his step father had his galbladder out, I found out that my oldest nephew got a concussion at his last football game and did I MENTION THAT I HAVE AN UTI!!!!!!!!

But let me put this in to perspective so that I will remember my blessings...I can get antibiotics easily and be CURED, my step father in law's surgery went really well and he can hope to be pain free soon, my step mother in laws surgery found VERY EARLY stage lung cancer, so she was "surgically cured" and my nephew just has to take it really easy for the next few days. And, I am going to be a teacher. I am doing what God has asked of me. He never said it would be easy and He never said I would always like it, but I am doing God's will everytime I step into a classroom, everytime I take a test, do a project or get chewed out by an advisor. How very blessed I am. heart is very heavy for my "step" mother in law. I'm so glad she was proactive and we are not staring at a different set of circumstances a year later. But I just want to be near her and tell her how much I love her and am so proud of her. She has all of her children, sister and husband near her, but I want to be there too...but I have to keep the fort down here. I will see her at Thanksgiving and I will call her and tell her these things over and over until she tells me to hush.

So there is my entry after TWO me or visit me on facebook!!!

Friday, August 29, 2008

Mourning my Mornings

Everyone told me my time would come, but I was so busy rushing those boys to grow up I didn't pay any attention to them. But my time is here. I miss my boys being little and staying home full time with them.

Zack is in First Grade and Carter is in Pre-K full time and I miss them. I miss being in charge, deciding what time they should wake up and what we will do all day. I drove by what is lovingingly referred to as the "McNasty" on Whitlock and I yearned for all of the playdates after preschool. It seemed like at the time that I felt controled by my circumstances, but now that I look back on them, my circumstances where my freedom.

Now I am regulated by all of our schools. What time I can drop someone off, pick them up, when I need to go to class. And I have signed on for this for the REST OF MY LIFE. I know I am headed where God needs me to be, but sometimes I just feel lonely for motherhood. I have loved being a mother and I know my job is far from over. I will mother those boys the rest of my life.

Carter has been giving me a hard time in the mornings. The school he is going to is completely new to both of us. And they do many things different from our old school. Michael said "Michelle, no school except for Weekday will ever live up to your standards." and I think he is right. I feel so blessed that for so long I had my children in an environment that was nuturing, loving and of course educational. They are now in the "public" setting. I am the biggest supporter of public education, but the loss of control I feel is a little unsettling.

But God didn't give me these boys to control. He gave them to me to raise and to teach them how to be independent men of God. I need God to help me let go of them, but cherish the stage in life they are in. I need to look forward to the next stages in, boy scouts, reading, writing, friends, etc. etc.

Thank you God for giving me two precious boys to love and to honor You by raising them the way you have commanded me.

Monday, August 11, 2008

Do you hear that? Me neither!

My house is so quiet. Both the boys are at school today. You would think I would be excited, but I do NOT like being alone!! I start classes a week from today and I'm sure I will be wishing for a week like this. I have some very exciting things lined up:
  • clean my closet
  • clean the dining room (also known as the catch all room)
  • put away laundry
  • clean out my car then go have it cleaned, because it needs a professionals attention
  • and if I do all my "chores" maybe I'll treat myself to a pedicure!!!
So here are some pictures from our last few days of summer and then of course the first day of school!!!!
This is a picture of the boys with our neighbor "Mr. Alan". He spent the summer throwing my boys high into the air and every now and then convinced his friends to get in on the action!! Thanks "Mr. Alan"!!!


Friday night Michael and I had a date at our usual stomping grounds, Taco Mac. And this was a VERY special occasion because I made it to 125 beers!! That means I am an official Passport Member!! I get to drink out of the "big mug" and my name will be on the wall mother will be so proud!!! Yes, those are our bartenders, Bob and Annette, and yes I buy them a Christmas present.

We spent some time Saturday on Marietta was a beautiful day!
And back to school...

Carter wouldn't let me take his picture. He feels about like his mommy does about waking up!!! All on our own time!!!

Okay, so it's not even 10:30 am and I am already avoiding my chores...I better get to it!!!

Monday, August 4, 2008

Conquering fear

I have been relatively quiet on my blog not only because of the business of life, but we have had a roadblock come up in our happy little family. I don't feel comfortable putting it out there for the world to read because I need to protect my family. But let me say this I was given a HUGE wake up call when it comes to the safety of my children. I no longer am taking for granted that there are always nice people around to help me protect my children. So because of what happened I have been deeply upset and unable to sit still. Well, all of the things I have had going on are over and it is time for me to face the music. God really does need me to be still and listen.

I have had amazing support, between my sweet precious husband who only wants to see his family heal, to my sisters, parents, in-laws and my dear precious friends. But even with all of this love and support the fear that has sat inside of me has almost consumed me. The feeling that I failed as a mother, protector has taken root and won't let go. So my options have been plow through or go get professional help.

So stay with me here...
We have been taking our boys to the lake since they where little bitty. This is Zack's 4th summer getting behind a boat in some fashion. But at the beginning of the summer something clicked in his little head and he decided he could not do this right now. We never pushed him, just gently reminded him how much fun he had in the past on the tube and asked everytime we where out on the water if he wanted to try, he would say "no".
Well, this past weekend he decided he was going to do it. I looked over and his little hands where shaking he was so nervous. My heart was beating wildly. I know the fear that he had and I wanted him to break free of it and go back to enjoying the tube. Whatever had taken hold of him, I wanted it to let go! He rode that tube, it was slow, but he did it. I was so extremely proud of him that I just burst into tears. Then not only did he ride that tube, he started acting goofy and having a great time. He's not riding wild around the lake yet, but he will get there.

So back to me...
Last night after almost a week and a half away from home, away from the problems that surrounded me, away from the fear that had taken root, I heard God tell me to be quiet and listen. This always makes me anxious, because when God has to tell me loudly to listen He has something major to tell me. I have also learned that when God asks me to do something and I am obedient, I am always blessed.

I started my prayers last night and begged God to take this fear. I do not want to live a life in fear anymore. Last night as I sat in the quiet, I meditated on my children. These two wonderful blessings that God gave me. I heard clearly God tell me to pray with my children. That's all I heard, for me to pray with my children. I told God that I would obey and I fell asleep quickly and hard. When I woke up I remembered what God asked me to do. So later that day I got Zack alone in my room and we talked about how courageous he was to get on that tube. I told him that I wanted to be courageous too and that I would like for us to pray and ask God to take the fear away from me. And my sweet little boy sat there and prayed with me and held my hands and together we asked God to give us courage.

Over the past few weeks I have not been able to go alone in public with just my children. I have always needed someone with me. But today I did it. I went to Publix and Target, just me and my boys. And it felt good. God took my fear and He gave me freedom. Trust and obey.

"I sought the Lord and he answered me; he delivered me from all my fears."
Psalm 34:4

Saturday, August 2, 2008

Time for a Little Quiet

It has been almost a month since my last post!! Life has been crazy...

I have finished the semester, I think this one will go down in history as the most annoying semester EVER!!! We went to the beach for a week (awesome), I worked on and attended my 15 year high school reunion, I recovered from my 15 year reunion, stared at my dearest friend Laura that is pregnant with twins, I have discovered Facebook (I know I am a late bloomer), traveled to Nashville to meet my new baby nephew (yum) and now I am here at the lake.

I have to admit I'm ready for some quiet. We have a week until Monday that the kiddos go back to school (ugh) and then a week after that I go back. I'd love to fantasize about what this coming week is going to be like. Trips to the pool, reading a book, but I know that is not going to happen. I know God needs me to be quiet. He is having a hard time getting through to me with all of the busy signals.

Saturday, July 5, 2008

Just so you know...

we are enjoying our new hardwood floors!!!!!!

Thursday, July 3, 2008

I'm an Adult, Right??

Being in college again makes me feel like I am 20 again...sometimes. But every now and then, I need to remind myself, I'm an adult, I make my own choices and I deal with my own consequences.

We are headed to the beach on Saturday for a week with my whole family. This is a big trip to celebrate my parents 40th Anniversary! We planned this trip last year knowing that I was going to be in school, but it was honestly the best time to take this trip. I will be missing a week of school, but I have made arrangements and it seems like things will be good.

But I have this one professor that thinks it is wrong for me to be gone and questioned my judgement on taking classes this summer knowing that I would take off a week. I really let her comment get to me until I talked to my sister Megan and she reminded me that I am an adult, not 20. I made the best decision for my family and I will deal with whatever consequences come my way... Plus I have been in this class for over a month now and after what I have seen of her lectures, I won't really be missing much :)

Monday, June 23, 2008


Some good friends of my sister Megan's, Doug and Michelle Christian are opening up a new business in Kennesaw. For all of you West Cobb folks I think this is going to be a real treat!! They are scheduled to open July 12th.

Check 'em out...

Before and After

Well, I have the morning off from two of my classes and rather than working on school work I thought this would be a perfect opportunity to share what we have been doing in the house. We have lived here for a little over 3 years and when we bought the house Michael and I loved the layout but there was not a lot that had been done to it. The people who owned it before us where British and had no children living with them. The house was immaculate except for the 15 Glad plug ins we took out when we moved in! We are still trying to get the Orchard Blossom smell out of our house! We have painted almost every room, replaced light fixtures, hardware on cabinets. Michael has renovated the front and back yards (that's a post for another day), replaced the spindles on the deck, stained the deck, tile in the bathrooms, hardwood floors, we have replaced both heating and air units and I think we will be looking at painting the house in the next couple of years!
I have been waiting to do this until I knew my house would be clean, but that never happened, so you will have to see my house dirt and all. But I like the saying that says "If you came to see me, come on over. If you came to see my house, make an appointment!" All of the "before" pictures where taken when we did the inspection of the house.

So here is the kitchen. We love our kitchen. It is big and bright and open. We love to entertain and people seem to congregate in the kitchen. We did a lot in the kitchen. It had wallpaper, which we took down and had the kitchen painted. We had new countertops and backsplash, new appliances and new floors!

So here is before:

and after:

The "formal" living room is used as our home office. I have thought about moving it upstairs into the bonus room many times, but since Michael and I spend a lot of time in here on the computer it is nice that we are on the main level with the kids. Plus a formal living room is such a waste of space for our family!! The paint color in here was awful. During the day it was the color of urine and at night it turned into a pea green color. Michael really fought for this blue color and I in turn fought back, but I gave up and he won. Now that it is painted I really love it. We are actually going to paint our bedroom the same color because it is such a peaceful color!! This is one of the rooms that we definitely live in the most. We have our desk, which is where I study, do reunion stuff, blog, talk on the phone, etc. and Zack has his easel, and the boys will read in the red chair. So it is well used, so excuse the mess!!!
So here is before:

And after:

Here is our dining room. We never use our dining room except on special occasions and even then I prefer to eat in the kitchen. So I use it as "catch all" room. If I'm not sure of what to do with something I put it there until I'm ready to deal with it!!
And after:

This is one of my favorite rooms. The boys bathroom. All of our bathrooms had carpet in them when we bought the house. That made Michael almost not want to buy the house. Since then, all three bathrooms have been tiled and he is much happier. I think if Michael could scour the whole house in bleach that would make him happy!!!
So here is before: (not a very good shot)

and after:
And even though all we did to the boys room was paint it, it shows you the difference in how the previous owners lived and us! The boys share a room. I said as soon as Carter was old enough they would. They are too young and small to take up two whole rooms in my house. I'm not sure how much they like it, but they don't complain! The room is so big that we not only use it for their bedroom it is their playroom as well. So I have to just get over that it doesn't stay clean!

and after:

We still have lots we want to do. We are getting new carpet in the den/sunroom sometime this summer. Hopefully in the winter we are going to replace the wood spindles on our staircase with iron ones. We still have some painting to do, but we hopefully have many more years in this house!!
Thanks for looking!!!

Friday, June 20, 2008

Catfish!!! UGH!!

So I am posting from Smithville, Tennessee in the comfort of my in-laws beautfiul lakehome overlooking Center Hill Lake. We had a great day on the lake, playing, skiing, tubing and EATING!!!

For someone who is on Weight Watchers this is NOT the place to be. I have had more fried food in the past two days than I have had in the last 2 months!! I had catfish for dinner last night, lunch today and dinner tonight. I'm not kidding. I feel like I am about to EXPLODE!!!

And to make matters worse we are headed to a family reunion in Kentucky tomorrow and you know there won't be anything that will keep the weight off.

But Monday is a new day and that's what I love about Weight Watchers. I haven't been really strict with myself in the last month, but I'm still losing a little bit of weight. Not much, but at least I'm not gaining!! I really love having this 20 pounds off and I have gone down a size, so I know if I work hard I will see results.

Well, me and all the catfish are headed to bed. We have to be up bright and early to head to KY. Hopefully, they won't be serving catfish!!!

Wednesday, June 18, 2008


Somedays I don't feel like being me anymore. I'm tired of being responsible, being the person that always gets the job done, that always makes the plans and arranges things.

I wonder what it is like to just show up to an event, having not planned anything, to show up to a presentation in class and know that even though I did nothing I still was going to get a good grade because of my peers' hard work. What would it be like to ignore what is good for my children and just do whatever was easiest?

But that's not how God designed me, thankfully. My plate is pretty full right now, and it's nothing I can't handle, but somedays it makes being me pretty hard. God called me to be a daughter, sister, daughter-in-law, wife, mother, friend and now teacher. And God didn't call me to be these things in only a half-hearted way. He wants me to give it my all. God gave me gifts that have allowed me to be a unique person. I am the only me and even though somedays it makes me tired and it makes me want to forget all of the planning and go get in bed with a good book, I would not be honoring God at all.

I know this is season of business for me right now and I will look back on these days with joy because they were full of following God's plan for my life. But as Carter had a complete melt down in Target today and behaved like a two year old. I wanted to be someone else. My prayer for today is that I will allow God to remind me of who He created me to be...nothing more and certainly nothing less. I am so grateful that I have Jesus in my heart to guide me and make being me, more graceful than being me on my own.

Thursday, June 12, 2008

Oh My Yumminess!!!

I tried this recipe last weekend and it was great!!!

Strawberry Whipped Sensation

Prep Time:20 min
Total Time:6 hr 20 min
Makes:12 servings
4 cups fresh strawberries, divided
1 can (14 oz.) EAGLE BRAND® Sweetened Condensed Milk
1/4 cup lemon juice
1 tub (8 oz.) COOL WHIP Whipped Topping, thawed, divided
8 OREO Chocolate Sandwich Cookies, finely chopped
1 Tbsp. butter, melted
LINE 9x5-inch loaf pan with foil, with ends of foil extending over sides of pan. Mash 2 cups of the strawberries in large bowl. Add condensed milk, juice and 2 cups of the whipped topping; mix well. Pour into prepared pan.
MIX chopped cookies and butter. Spoon over whipped topping mixture. Cover with ends of foil and gently press cookie mixture into whipped topping mixture. Freeze 6 hours or until firm.
INVERT dessert onto serving plate when ready to serve; remove pan and foil. Spread remaining whipped topping onto top and sides of dessert. Slice remaining 2 cups strawberries; arrange over dessert. Store leftovers in freezer.

I made it lower fat by using fat-free sweetened condensed milk, fat free cool whip and reduced fat oreos. You cut this like a loaf and it is SO SO GOOD!! Very refreshing summer dessert!!

Wednesday, June 4, 2008

Back At It!!!

Well, school is back in for me and I am STRESSED!!!! I am sure this has nothing to do with my hormones being a little wacky. I'm in school four days a week and I can't catch my breath!

Yesterday, I spoke with someone about a private school loan I was trying to take out. They said I was approved but pending a co-signer because I was unemployed!!! That was the WRONG thing to say to me yesterday. This poor lady got a teary earful about how I didn't need a cosigner that his money was my money, etc. etc. My feminism took a beating. I didn't want to have to use my "husband's money" to qualify for a loan. We don't do "his money" and "my money" because, first that's not how we roll and second well, I would be destitute!

So I went crying to Michael about how I needed a co-signer and he of course didn't see the big deal. How could he not understand how this was terrible injustice that I could not get a loan on my own. Sometimes I just feel downright sorry for Michael for having to deal with me in my heightened hormonal state!!!

After three days back in school I realized this summer is going to not be very fun for me. Not much time at home and not much time with the kids. Plus we will be gone AT LEAST every other weekend. I just keep telling myself that this my last stinky summer!!! If I EVER EVER EVER say I'm going to go to graduate school will you please hog tie me??? My family would be ever so appreciative!!


Sunday, June 1, 2008

Veggie/Bean Salad

My sister-in-law made this salad last weekend at the lake and it was dee-licious!! I had some with almost every meal I ate there and it is really filling. There is a lot of chopping to do, but it will last awhile and can be enjoyed throughout the week!!! Here is my version of it today...

Here is the recipe if you want to give it a try...

Chopped Vegetable and Bean Salad (Serves 4)

For the dressing:
2 TBSP red wine vinegar
1/2 tsp salt
3/4 tsp black pepper
2 TBSP olive oil

For the salad:
1 large head romaine lettuce
1/2 cup peeled and diced cucumber
1/2 cup diced red bell pepper
1/4 cup diced yellow bell pepper
1/4 cup peeled and diced carrots
1/4 cup diced red onion
1/4 cup diced black olives
3/4 tsp chopped fresh oregano
2 tsp chopped fresh basil
3/4 cup diced tomato
3/4 cup cooked white beans
1/2 cup cooked garbanzo beans
1/2 cup chopped hearts of palm

1. In a small bowl, combine red wine vinegar, salt and pepper. Add olive oil and beat well with a wire whip.
2. In a large bowl, combine salad ingredients. Add salad dressing and toss lightly. Divide equally into large salad bowls.

Saturday, May 31, 2008

Inch by Inch

For those of you that care...I am still doing Weight Watchers. Since my birthday (May 6) I have not been as strict and therefore am not losing as much weight as I was before. But I have not quit. So I am still losing weight but just a little here and there. But at least I have not gained! I hope now with being back in school and having more of a schedule I will get back to being more strict with myself. I have really loved losing the weight and the way it makes me feel. So I press on...

I went to my WW meeting this morning and I could not believe that I had actually lost almost 2.5 lbs!!! I have no idea how that happened! I am about a half a pound away from 20 lbs.!!!! Hopefully, I'll have good news to report next week!

Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Catchin' Up!!!

I have learned something very valuable about myself. If I am not pressured for time and have better things to do, I don't blog. I have had plenty to blog about and plenty of time to do it, but just haven't felt like it... I have been out of school since May 1 and am headed back tomorrow. So instead of getting my house in order, folding and putting away laundry, etc. etc., but no I thought THIS would be a perfect time to blog!!!
So it's been a great month! Zack finished Kindergarten and Carter finished 3 year old preschool. (That was our last time at our preschool and I don't think it has registered yet!) We went camping, to the lake and we got new floors put in!!
So I think I will start from the beginning when we went camping. Michael's mom and her husband bought a nice RV last year and have been anxious for us to join them in a camping adventure. We went once last year during the HEAT WAVE and I was miserable. But because I have two boys I thought I should persevere and give it another shot. Well, the weather cooperated and we had a great time. What I loved most about camping was not having to tell my boys "No" all of the time. I had no agenda, no chores, no to-do lists, so it was truly about them. They rode their bikes, scooters, played on the playground, went to the beach on the lake. It was a great weekend, bugs and all.
But I have to say my favorite part of the weekend was this...

I have posted before about my mother-in-laws health problems. Since the Fall of 2005 she has had two back surgeries and both of her knees replaced. Carter was not even two when she had her first back surgery and probably does not remember being held by his Nana. Although she is still in a considerable amount of pain, she works very hard at getting better. We had been making S'mores and enjoying time around the campfire when Carter asked to sit with his Nana. I asked her if it was okay if he sat in her lap. So I put him in her lap and he was so happy and content. They both sat their looking up at the stars. I just couldn't help but get a picture. I think that is the first time she has held a grandchild in her lap in a longtime. That right there was worth all of the bugs in the world!

Thursday, May 22, 2008


I received an email last night from a childhood friend last night about someone that I have respected most of my life. Steven Curtis Chapman's music is the soundtrack of my Spirtual teenage years. I have always loved his music and I have such a deep respect for what he has done for the adoption community. I am so completely saddened for this family and my heart breaks for them. Will you please join me in prayer for this sweet family.

Here is the article from the Tennessean:
Steven Curtis Chapman’s youngest child died Wednesday evening after being struck by a car driven by her teenage brother in the driveway of the family’s Williamson County home.Maria, one of the Christian singer’s six children, was taken by LifeFlight to Vanderbilt Hospital, which confirmed the death, according to Laura McPherson, a spokeswoman for the Tennessee Highway Patrol. The 5-year-old was hit by an SUV driven by her teenage brother, she said. Police did not give the driver’s name.The teen was driving a Toyota Land Cruiser down the driveway of the rural home at about 5:30 p.m. and several children were playing in the area, McPherson said. He did not see Maria in the driveway before the vehicle struck her, she said.“It appears to be a terrible accident,’’ McPherson said. No charges are expected, she said. The accident was witnessed by two other children; the entire family was home at the time, McPherson said.Singer/songwriter Chapman, who recently was inducted into Music City Walk of Fame, is one of contemporary Christian music’s most recognizable and most awarded names. He and his wife Mary Beth have long been supporters of international adoption, having brought three girls from China into their family. Maria was the youngest.The couple is so active in the cause that they formed an organization, Shaohannah’s Hope, to aid families wanting to adopt. With his latest music tour, which came through Nashville in November, Chapman started a campaign called “Change for Orphans”. He asked audience members at each stop to bring spare change to the concert, where it was counted and given to a local family to aid in their adoption process.“I don’t know of anybody who loves his children more than he does and is so committed to the adoption concept, and to lose one, no matter what the circumstances, is heartbreaking beyond all comprehension,” said John Styll, president of the Nashville-based Gospel Music Association.“He talks about his kids all the time. That’s his life. His kids are more important to him than music, that’s for sure.”The tragedy was announced during Wednesday-night services at Harpeth Hills Church of Christ, which the family attends. Maria had just graduated from the church preschool.And word spread throughout the tight-knit Christian music community on Wednesday evening.Styll got the news not long after Maria’s death.“I’m confident I can speak for everyone in the community to say we will do everything we can to support this family, as we would do at any time, but especially at a time like this,” he said.Most of the Chapman family was at Vanderbilt children’s hospital after the accident and could not be contacted. The long, gravel driveway leading to the home west of Franklin was blocked off by Williamson County sheriff’s deputies.

Monday, May 19, 2008

Compassion International

Well, even though I am out of school I seem to stay pretty busy!!! For Mother's Day Michael asked me what I wanted and I told him I wanted another child. He gulped thinking back to the day that he had the big snip snip. But then I calmed him down when I told him about Compassion International. So on Mother's Day morning we sat down as a family and sponsored a little boy by the name of Max Ferson. He lives in Haiti and is the same age as Zack. All of my information came in today and I am very excited!!!
I had heard about Compassion before but through one of the blogs I read (Boomama) I learned much more about it!!! All of these bloggers took a trip to Uganda and blogged about their experience in African visiting Compassion projects. It was amazing to see what they were experiencing. Go check out her story. It will make you laugh, cry and give you a better understading of what Compassion is all about.

p.s. I have some camping pictures coming soon...

Sunday, May 11, 2008

Happy Mother's Day!!

To all of the Mothers out there...Happy Mother's Day!!!
I am enjoying mine!! Little of this, little of that, equals a great day!!!

I promise I am still here, I have been done with school since May 1st, and you would think I would have all of this time to post, but I just haven't!!! I have lots of fun stuff to blog about, so hopefully this week!!!

Enjoy the day!

Friday, April 25, 2008

One Month and Hangin' in there!!

Well, today marks four weeks since I started Weight Watchers and I am down 12 lbs.!!!! I feel good and it's not as hard as I thought it would be. I just have to be prepared!!!

On Fridays we like to order pizza and rent movies. So we ordered a pizza that was just for me. It was from Papa John's and it was the Thin Crust Garden Fresh. Each slice was only 5 points (Dinner is usually 10-12 points) and it was sooo good!!! That made me very happy that I can still join in on the family fun!!!!

Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Mommy/Carter Day is Back Baby!!!

So today is a Mommy/Carter day and I am so happy!!! This is a picture of what Carter likes to do when we are home...this is probably the third costume of the day!

I am at the end of my semester and things are really winding down. I finished my tutoring last week so today is a real day off!! I have officially finished two classes and I have two projects to turn in, one tomorrow and one Monday and then an exam next Thursday!!! I will be done on May 1st and don't go back until May 29th!!! I am very excited for the time off!!

This semester has been a little disappointing for me. I took five classes and only two of them were really worth my time and money. One class that I was excited to take was about Inclusive Education. I felt like this class would really be a good one, since I knew NOTHING about it! Well, I still don't!!! The professor was such a FLAKE! We never knew if anything was due. Rather than meet the two scheduled days she decided to only meet once a week. We had a presentation due yesterday but I noticed on Sunday that I already had a grade posted for it as did my other group members!! Yes, you read that right, I had a grade posted for something I had not done. We got 100%. So yesterday when we went to class we kept our heads low and she NEVER asked us to present!!! AAAHHH!!! Luckily, I had an awesome Reading class and Math class, so all is not lost.

Now on to summer semester...

Friday, April 18, 2008

WW Week 3

I am .2 away from 10 pounds!!!! Michael and I did our Taco Mac date night last night and I had chips and salsa (NO QUESO!!!), club sandwich with no bacon or cheese and steamed veggies and I only had ONE BEER!!! I only dipped into 2 of my weekly points! So far so good!!!!

Sunday, April 13, 2008

Spring Break '08

I'd love to say that we had an awesome spring break, but it was not very exciting. Unfortunately for the boys it was not my spring break from KSU. Luckily for me, they really don't know that people go to all sorts of neat places on Spring Break! So here is how our week went:
Monday: I skipped class because the class is dumb and I'd rather be with my kids. So we hung out at the house and drove to Roswell to pick up my nephew Sam so that he could babysit the next day.

Tuesday: I was in class all day and Sam babysat the boys. This was his first time and he did great and of course the boys loved having their big cousin all to themselves. Then we drove back to Roswell to take Sam home and we spent some time with Josh and Aunt Molly!

Wednesday: No class for me! We went to Michael's office for lunch and met his boss. The boys were impressed with the toys in Michael's office. Then we came home and played on our n'hood playground with our friends Rory and Quinn.

Thursday: I am back in class and my friend Aileen (Rory and Quinn's mom) watched the boys. While there, Carter scratched Zack's eyeball and we spent the afternoon at the eye doctor. After that long day Aunt Muggy, Maggie and Matthew came over to watch a movie and keep Zack company so that me and Michael could go on a quick date and recover from the day.

Friday: Michael had the day off so we kicked around the house and went to look at some more wood flooring options. We rented movies and chilled out at home.

Saturday: Our friends the Newman's came from Warner Robins to spend the night. We were able to go to the Etowah Indian Mounds and that was really cool. We played outside and played the Wii!

Sunday: RECOVER and PREPARE for the week ahead!

So even though it was not terribly exciting, the boys had a good time and it did not cost me a trip to Disneyworld! That will be next year...


That is the sound that my hand on my forehead made after I read this blog post...

WOW!!! Just what I needed to hear!! This really spoke to me today about not relying on my on strength because I will fail and hate myself when I do, but relying on God's strength, because let's face it, he is WAY STRONGER than me!!!

Book Help

So HALLELUJAH my semester is coming close to the end. I still have two weeks and some big things in between now and then end but I just can't help to think about the WHOLE MONTH I will have off between semesters. My biggest plan is that I will be reading for fun! So, I need ANYONE's help. I need some good books to read over my break. I am a big fan of Jodi Picoult, Phillipa Gregory, Jude Devereaux...thoughts???

WW Week 2

I am 3.8 lbs. lighter than I was last week!!! We had friend in town this week so I had to dip into my 35 point reserve. I felt like I didn't have a lot compared to what I would usually do, but it just proves how it all adds up!!! I'll just keep on keepin' on!!!

Tuesday, April 8, 2008


I have never thought of this...
No more Oprah for me!!
What are your thoughts???

Friday, April 4, 2008

Wii Update

We totally kept the Wii and as I type this I am listening to two boys (one being Michael) play some Wii Tennis... I think this is the beginning of a beautiful friendship!!!

Week One with WW

I am 4.8 pounds lighter than I was a week ago. I can do this.

Thursday, April 3, 2008

Wii Dilemma

So Michael's birthday is coming up (April 15th) and we have been talking about what he might like for the big day. He has brought up that he might like to have a Wii, but we needed to talk about it a little more... easy enough right?
Mommy Mistake #1:
I got suckered in to the hysteria that is finding a Wii. I happened to go into to Target yesterday and asked about the Wii. The guy spoke to me as if I was trying to discuss some evil plot. He finally let me see the Wii that they happened to have in stock and told me that if I wanted one in the next few weeks I better get this one as they are hard to come by. Well I bought it. Not so bad, right?
Mommy Mistake #2:
I have to admit I was a little excited about the purchase. Zack has really wanted one and I thought this would be a fun family toy. He gets off the bus and I share the secret with him, I even SHOW HIM THE BOX. What is wrong with me??? I'm not new at this!!!! ugh. So I tell Zack that this is a secret and we can't tell anyone!
Mommy Mistake #3
Carter wakes up from his nap and Zack is dying to tell him. He begs me to let him tell Carter, and I say "If you tell him and he tells Daddy then we will have to take the Wii back to Target". So I let Zack tell Carter. Carter was not near as thrilled as Zack was...

So Michael comes home from work and Zack ever so casually says "So, Dad your birthday is coming up" and without missing a beat, Carter chimes in "And we got you a Wii!!!!!". Zack was devastated and went outside to sob!!! He knew the Wii was going to have to go back.

So after Michael gathered himself, we told Zack we would have to talk about it...
I made A LOT of mistakes on this one!!! What was wrong with me. So we can't decide what to do now! Should we return it and let it be a lesson to us ALL or keep it and chalk this one up to stupidity. Who knows!!!

Monday, March 31, 2008

A Deep Breath Before I Go Back Under

Well, I feel like I have about a week before things get crazy again. I have about one month before my semester is over and then I will have THREE WEEKS where the kids are in school and I AM NOT!!! I will be a real mommy, who can play Hungry Hungry Hippos whenever I am needed. I will read books that have NOTHING to do with education, classrooms or teaching a child how to read!!!

But I have added something to my already hectic schedule. I don't even know why I am sharing this, other than that if I tell people, maybe I will feel held more accountable (although I have no idea who really reads this...). For the first time in my 33 years I have started a DIET. Well, they don't want you to call it a diet. It is called "living" aka Weight Watchers. I have been thinking and pondering about this for awhile and I made the plunge.

I have slowly put on weight the past THIRTEEN years. But the thing that pushed me over the edge is BEER. Michael taught me how to drink good beer and well I enjoy it. We have gone to Taco Mac at least every other week for a date. Between the queso and the beer, it all went straight to my hips.

So, I really think I can do this. It is regimented and organized and it's a PLAN. Whenever the doctor would say "Eat right and excercise" I always felt like I needed more.

So I may never update anyone on my "diet", but I felt like I needed to get it out there. I have made it through one weekend without any major pitfalls, and unfortunately no beer. But I'm not starving or having a really hard time, so I can do this...right???

Wednesday, March 26, 2008

Head Above Water

I promise I'm still here, but I feel like I'm barely keeping my head above water right now!!! The thing about getting a degree in education is that it is not really rocket science, but there are lots of projects that require a lot of work. So I am in the middle of those right now. I have laundry piled up really high and I'm just not sure when my next break will be!! I will be done the beginning of May, so there is an end in sight, but there is just a lot in between. I have LOTS of cute pictures to share from the boys soccer games and I will post soon!!!

Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Our Born Perfomer

Carter and I love a song that he sings at preschool called "Tiny Tim". Maizy ate his stuffed turtle so I got him a turtle puppet just like Ms. Nancy's, his music teacher from school. He absolutely loves it! He even let me video him singing the song!! You may have to turn the music down at the bottome of the blog to hear him singing it...

Rock On

Zack had his debut in the Kindergarten program last Thursday night. Zack is not what you would call a "performer". He knows he has to be up there, but I know in his mind he is thinking about all of the other things he would rather be doing...not unlike his father. I just had to share a picture with you that we got right before the performance began...what a stud!

Monday, March 10, 2008

For Tricia

I have been following for the last few months an amazing journey of an amazing family. I have them linked on the side (Nate, Tricia and Gwyneth). Through their blog I was linked to another blog where this mother encouraged all other blogging mommies to make a list of the things we can't wait for Tricia to experience with her little one. Check out the post here.

Somedays I feel like I can't remember what it was like when they were little bitty but then there are times like yesterday as I was cleaning out the linen closet, I came across ALL of Zack's blankies. Just putting them up to my face and breathing in the smell of them and feeling the texture of them brought memories flooding back to me, here are some of mine...
  • Going to the grocery store and having little old ladies ooh and aah over your sweet baby.
  • Walking into their room before you go to sleep just to watch them sleep (I still do this)
  • In the morning when you go to get them and they have the happiest look on their face because there is no one in the world they would rather start their day with than you.
  • BATHTIME!!!!!
  • The smell of them after bathtime!
  • The first Christmas they actually "get" the whole Santa Claus deal.
  • The first time they bring you flowers, even if they are weeds.
  • Whenever they get hurt they only want you.
  • The first time they get on a school bus (heartbreaking)
  • Feeling the need to hose them down after they have been playing outside.
  • Hearing your child read on their own for the first time.
  • Hearing your child sing "Jesus Loves Me" all by themselves
  • Good night prayers
  • All of the deep conversations you will have about life. i.e. Who made the streets? What does our dog do in Heaven all day?
  • Laughter, more importantly belly laughter

Tricia, I have to stop my list. My heart is so heavy right now... I know that you too will one day have your own list. Gwyneth is going to do some things that are going to seem so simple to anyone else, but to you, her mother, they are seem heart wrenchingly wonderful. I feel so blessed to be able to "be in on" your story. Your complete surrender to the will of God is amazing, and I think of you and your wonderful family everyday. Know that you are being prayed for by me and my two little boys every night. Thank you for sharing with us...

Sunday, March 2, 2008

Does it get any cuter???

So here I sit at my desk working on some school stuff. The kids are out playing, Michael's got the grill going...beautiful Sunday. And then the doorbell rings. Who could that be?? My sweet Carter is at the door with a little bitty flower for ME!!!

Sunday, February 24, 2008


This title could mean a lot of things for a lot of mothers. Today my guilt has a specific meaning. Sitting on my desk in front of me is a "mission card". This "mission card" is for a program at my son's school called Rocket Readers and every month when this "mission card" comes home a wave of guilt comes over me. On this card I am to record 16 different books that I read to my kindergartner over the month. Then 5 of these books Zack should name a character in the story and name their favorite part of the story. If they turn it in they get their name and picture on the wall outside of the library and if they do it all year that get to be a part of a special breakfast. Doesn't that sound wonderful??? Hmmm.
I have never turned one in. I tried the first month, but then it got accidentally thrown away. You might think I am against participating because I don't want to read to my children, but if you know me you know that I read to my children almost EVERY night. They love story time and now that Zack is reading he takes part in it too. So what is the problem you ask? That is just ONE more thing for me to do. Zack is too young to take care of this himself. That might be the ONE thing to throw me over the edge!!!!
So yesterday at a PTA event I was talking to some other mom's and they were astonished that we don't do Rocket Readers. They went on and on about how it is so important for us to do this...blah blah blah. I hate it when other people make me feel like an inferior parent. Try dealing with going to school full time, being a mommy to two little ones, taking care of the house, have a husband that works long hours, is unavailable to help during the week, taking care of a crazy yellow lab and reading and keeping up with this blog and others!!!! That one piece of paper may be the one thing that is keeping me from being committed!!! MOVE OVER BRITNEY!!!
Okay, I'm okay, I'm really okay. So it's okay that I don't do Rocket Readers, right??

Wednesday, February 20, 2008

Carter and Mommy Day!!!

Me: Carter do you know what today is?

Carter: (eyes light up) CARTER AND MOMMY DAY!!

Me: What should we do today?

Carter: Stay home and snuggle.

Insert Heart melting here...

Wednesdays are turning out to be my favorite days. I feel like I can catch up on life, but most importantly I spend some alone time with Carter. I just looked at my calendar and we only have 12 Mommy and Carter days left. He will go to Lottery Pre-K in the fall and I will be in school as well. I will miss these days.

I need to come up with ways that I can spend alone time with each of my fellas when we all get so busy we can't think straight. Michael and I are really good about going on dates and having alone time. I think we both need to be good about doing that with the boys as well. Michael said the other day with a little cheer in his voice "You know we are the third of the way there in getting Zack out of the house". And I leave the room to collect myself! I know it is all going to whiz I am going to stop writing this post right now so I can go snuggle with Carter...

Sunday, February 17, 2008

A Whole Lotta Nothin'

For those of you that might possibly read this and want to know about my mother-in-law, she came home on Friday!! She was very anxious to get home and begin her real recovery. Her husband is her biggest cheerleader and really helps her do whatever she needs, but encouranges her to be as independent as she can. I called yesterday to check in and they had just finished her "PT" which was going up the stairs. She sounded tired, but GOOD!! I think her attitude is changing. Last summer they bought a really nice RV and I think getting better so they can get out on the road is what is keeping her going. We camped with them once last summer (we were in a tent) and she really loved watching the boys. Zack learned how to ride a two wheeler right in front of her and I think that is a memory she really cherishes and she is looking forward to making many more! Thank you all for your prayers!!

I have been busy with school. Things have not been too bad, but with education courses it is a lot of projects, so about mid-term I am waiting for it all to hit the fan! I'm trying to stay ahead of the game, but when you have professors that don't even know their real game plan that makes it a little hard.

I have also been doing a little redecorating! We have lived in this house for three years and we have done some major projects. New countertops, backsplash, tiling in the bathrooms, light fixtures, painting, etc. So we continue on... We (and I mean the "royal we" as I am not allowed to pick up a paintbrush due to my wandering brain) painted two rooms last weekend. I will post some before and after pics. when we finish getting everything hung up.

I'm also working on my "wall of fame". We have a back staircase and since we bought this house I have wanted to fill the back staircase with pictures of our family through the years. I have been working on getting the right pictures and the frames and now all I have to do is hang them...should I be trusted with a hammer???

So that is what I have been up to... Michael and I are beginning to plan our summer. I will be in classes, but we are doing a big beach trip with my family and some camping adventures!! This warmish weather has made me ready for SUMMER!!!! Have a great Sunday!

Wednesday, February 6, 2008

Good Tired

So Wednesdays are my day at home. Carter doesn't have preschool, I don't have class. I can stay at home and just catch up. Today I didn't leave the house, I hardly got dressed...just took my shower and put comfy clothes right back on. As I was helping the boys get dressed for bed I got a good look of myself in the mirror and let me tell you what I saw is not what keeps Michael coming home. I said "ugh, I look rough!" and Carter sweetly said "and tired too." But I might be tired, but it is from a day of catching up on things around here, school work, etc.

As I think about all of the reasons I am tired, I keep thinking about a family I have recently discovered (Thanks Angie!) that is dealing with more than I could ever dream of... They are the neatest couple and I think of them more as missionaries without boundaries, not really knowing who they are touching as they share not only their journey, but the power of God through all aspects of our lives. God bless them...

I talked to my mother-in-law today and I need her to be kept in your prayers. She is in a lot of pain and she is just getting worn down. We said a prayer together over the phone and she was begging God for a healing. I pray that too. She needs to be pain free. My heart hurts for this active, vibrant woman, stuck in a body that keeps failing her.

I find myself hurting for many people in my life, those that are suffering physically, mentally or emotionally. But I know that only through the love of Christ can that hurt be turned into hope.

"But those who hope in the Lord will renew their strength. They will soar on wings like eagles, they will run and not grow weary, they will walk and not be faint." Isaiah 40:31

Thursday, January 31, 2008


Update on my mother-in-law:
She is out of surgery, everything went perfectly and she did great. Michael is spening the night again tonight to make sure she does okay. Thanks for all of the love and prayers..

Wednesday, January 30, 2008

Prayers Please!!!!

My mother-in-law needs some prayers. Tomorrow she is headed in for a second back surgery. In the fall of 2006 she had seven vertebrae fused, fall of 2007 she had both of her knees replaced and her back has failed her again. She is in what I would call debilitating pain. This time they are going to completely rod her back. Her movement will be limited, but hopefully she can live with minimal pain. These past few years have been so difficult, because she has had to learn to rely on other people, mostly her husband. So if you don't mind taking a few minutes out of your morning and just pray for her. Her name is Gayle, if you could ask God to heal her.
*I picked this picture because it reminds of a very different time just 6 years ago. She traveled all over for her job. She wasn't married at the time and she would stop in for the night and see a baby or two... Michael and I would fight over who she was going to give a back rub to first. I miss that Gayle...


Wednesday, January 23, 2008

Trader Joe's

Did you know that I am a HUGE Trader Joe's fan, I mean HUGE! The closest one to me is over in East Cobb and it is a hike to get over there. If you don't know about TJs it is the best little grocery. They have everything you need, it's healthy and their prices are better than Publix!!!

My latest favorite TJ recipe is Polenta with Bruschetta. I tried it with shrimp last night, but it did not taste as good as when I used kilbasa. Yummy yummy!!!
Anyway, if you live anywhere near me (West Cobb, Marietta, Georgia) please go to their website and fill out a request for location and make sure to put WEST COBB!!! We really need one!!!

Okay, enough goofing around, I have to go do my homework!!!!


I just had to post something about my sister-in-law Vickie. Vickie is an artist of all sorts. She finds something that interests her, a new technique, materials, and she just goes in head first and makes some of the most amazing things. She is a true artist. She not only finds beauty in works of art, but in the world around her and she has passed that down to her children.

This past weekend the fellas and I went up to Nashville to visit with Michael's family. (sidenote: Michael was at home in front of the fire, yes I know how wonderful I am, just ask Michael's family...wink, wink.) We spent some time "in the city" with Michael's parents and then Saturday headed out to "the country" also known as Leiper's Fork. It is the neatest little community and my sil and bil have built the most amazing house on an amazing piece of property called Hope Ridge.

I could tell you about all the fun the kids had, but I'm not because I am posting to tell you the awesomeness that is my sil. She and her family go to this neat church in Franklin that is in an old factory, but it is really cool. When we walked into the church I asked Vickie if she decorated the place because it looked like an extension of her home. Neat church, neat people. But that is still not the awesomeness. Vickie is a mosaic artist, using pieces of tiles she creates some really neat things. She headed up a project for her church that was mosaic in the very front of the church. Each church member signed their name on the back of one of these tiles. It is really beautiful and I am just so proud of her. Vickie was gracious enough to let me take her picture in front of it and then I wanted my picture with the artist!

Isn't she awesome?

Wednesday, January 16, 2008

My First "Work of Art"

So one of the classes I am taking this semester is Art for Elementary Educators or in some circles it is known as Cut and Paste 101. I am most definitely not an artist and walking into this classroom makes my blood pressure rise slightly. So our first piece of art was called "All About Me". Now go with me here on my project.
My piece from the outside looks like a normal paper sack, nothing spectacular from the outside, just like me...

But you look inside and you see there is more than meets the eye...

So there you have it...Michelle the artist.

Monster Jam!!!!!!

For those of you that don't have little boys you can not even begin to understand the pure joy in a Monster Truck show. I mean it is LOUD, no really it is LOUD and those boys can talk as loud as they want and I still can't hear a word they say. This was our third year to go and it was as fun as ever. We went with the boys, my sister and her family (even my niece liked it), my nephew Josh and Zack's friend (and ours) Austin.
They all did so awesome considering all of the MARTA hopping we did and walking we had to do! We were impressed. Now Zack and Carter are staging all sorts of monster truck shows around the house!!

Monday, January 14, 2008

I'm still here...are you?

I have not disappeared, I have just merely begun spring sememster (although it does not FEEL like spring) at the big KSU. I am taking 5 classes and wondering if I am a lunatic. Lots of reading, lots of projects...I just keep telling myself to take one bite at a time! So I'm not sure if anyone missed me (even my family doesn't make's so easy, just set up a google account) but I promise I'm around, just a little overwhelmed!!!

Monday, January 7, 2008


Because I know God called me into the education profession, it has been reaffirming to me to watch how He over and over showers me with grace and everything I could possibly need to move forward in school. Everytime I think I have hit a road block and begin to get wound up about what is coming next, God always brings me back and gently reminds that He has a purpose for me and that He did not call me to something that could not be done.

That doesn't mean that things aren't going to be uncomfortable and that we won't have to do any sacrificing. But God will not leave me.

So I feel that Michael and I have made a huge decision over the Christmas break. As many of you know this is the crazy time of year that people start registering their little ones for preschool. My kids have been at the same preschool for years and I even taught there. Since I have started back to school I have needed help with Carter. My dear friend Sara has helped us with befor and after school care and it has worked out beautifully. I mean I can always count on her and she doesn't seem stressed out by my little dude.

Well, Sara's little boy is headed to Kindergarten next year and she herself may head back to school so she will no longer be available to help us. After thinking about what we wanted to do and what are options where, Michael and I began to think about a longer day pre-k option for Carter. I was very emotional about it all and Michael, the ever patient husband, tried his best to talk to me about it all.

I couldn't imagine leaving this program that has been a part of my young motherhood. But then I went to God in earnest prayer. I wanted to take the emotion out of this decision. I needed to do right by my family and by Carter. God gave me a peace about our decision. Carter is changing preschools, and headed to what in Georgia is referred to as a lottery Pre-k program. This is an all day program starting in the fall that will open up my flexibility for classes tremendously. We have toured the school and met some of the staff and I know it will be great.

So today when I went to go tell the director that Carter would not be returning in the fall, I was full of doubt. I mean I love the preschool. But I quickly returned to prayer and again was gently reminded of this is what was best for our family.

I feel blessed that I can go to God in prayer over and over and know that He is taking care of our family. He will never get tired of me asking over and over again. The kind of peace I feel is a true treasure.

"Do not be anxious about anyting, but in everything, by prayers and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. And the peace of God which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus." Philippians 4:6-7

Sunday, January 6, 2008

Oops! I Did It Again!

Read the post below...

We went to go see our good friends Bill and Ginny down in Warner Robins yesterday and had a great time. Unfortunately, the trip cost us more than we had intended. I was driving down so that Michael could get some work done in the car. As we were going through the metropolis of McDonough, Georgia I get pulled over. Yes I did!! I was going 87 in a 65!!!!!! Isn't that horrible!!!!! He gave me a break by making it only 79 and he said it won't get reported to my insurance!!!
ONLY ME!!!! This only happens TO ME!!!

Friday, January 4, 2008

This Only Happens to ME!!!!

So I'm driving home this afternoon, after running errands, talking to the boys, just driving along, not bothering anyone. I pull onto my street, stop to get the mail and then I look in my rearview mirror and I see that I am blocking a police car. I'm wondering which on of my neighbors is in trouble. So I pull up the driveway and HE FOLLOWS ME WITH HIS LIGHTS ON!!! All things are running through me head. Michael was working from home, so I knew he was safe. I get out and ask if I could help him and he asked for my drivers license and insurance. I ask why and he says I ran the stop sign in the neighborhood. Who else would get a ticket in their own driveway...ONLY ME!!!!!

Thursday, January 3, 2008

I'm In!!!!!

Well, I received my OFFICIAL letter today that states I have been accepted into the teacher education program. I am no longer a lowly student, I am officially a TEACHER CANDIDATE!!! I registered yesterday for spring semester (it starts Monday) and all I have left are education classes. Here are my classes for this semester and I bet you are not near as excited as I am:
Visual Art for Elementary Educators
Teaching Reading in Early Grades
Curriculum and Assessment
Education of Exceptional Students
Critical Content of Elementary Mathematics II (a lot harder than you think!)

So wish me luck!!!

Wednesday, January 2, 2008

Back to Life...Back to Reality!!

Well, my washing machine is churning away and the Christmas decorations are begging to be put away. Reality is coming back, the holidays are over. I could be sad about it all, but I have decided that I am going to be excited about what changes 2008 has in store for me.
I have to register for some classes for Spring semester this morning and get this house back in order and make sure the kiddos don't kill each other. I could feel overwhelmed, but at least for today I'm going to take a deep breath and only handle one thing at a time, rather than look at it all at once. We'll see how long that lasts...
So as you go back to reality, maybe you will find some comfort in this verse, I know I did...

(Isaiah 40:11):
He tends his flock like a shepherd: He gathers the lambs in his arms and carries them close to his heart; he gently leads those that have young.

Tuesday, January 1, 2008

Pictures of Zack's birthday party

I am having a little trouble with the video below, but I will work on it later... Enjoy the pics!

Zack's Birthday

I can't believe I am a mother of a six year old. He grew so much, not just physically, this past year. I just can't wait to see what six has in store for him! He had a great birthday as well! We had a party at a place called Sportsarama where he was able to choose a couple of sports to play with his friends, play in the arcade and everyone had a chance in the batting cage. We gave Zack a pretend electric guitar and this video shows what he did with it the first time we put it in has hands...he is a true rock n roll star!!

Christmas 2007

We had a very Merry Christmas here in the Vance household! We were surrounded by our family and were truly able to relax!
My parents and Michael's mom and her husband Gentry were there in the early morning hours to watch the kiddos open presents. Then after a good breakfast and a little snooze we played with some toys. Then we worked most of the afternoon preparing Christmas dinner that included my whole family. It was a great day!

Boxing Gloves...Great Idea!

Well, this is what happens when you let Uncle Stephen pick out Christmas presents! Carter got boxing gloves and he decided to use Sam (his almost 13 year old cousin) for a punching bag! Thankfully, Sam is a good sport!

Happy Family. Happy Times.

We hopefully started a new tradition with us Metzger girls. We took a Saturday and baked cookies and let the kids decorate gingerbread houses. It was a great day spent with my mom, sisters and all of the kids. I feel so blessed that we are all so close together!!