Monday, March 31, 2008

A Deep Breath Before I Go Back Under

Well, I feel like I have about a week before things get crazy again. I have about one month before my semester is over and then I will have THREE WEEKS where the kids are in school and I AM NOT!!! I will be a real mommy, who can play Hungry Hungry Hippos whenever I am needed. I will read books that have NOTHING to do with education, classrooms or teaching a child how to read!!!

But I have added something to my already hectic schedule. I don't even know why I am sharing this, other than that if I tell people, maybe I will feel held more accountable (although I have no idea who really reads this...). For the first time in my 33 years I have started a DIET. Well, they don't want you to call it a diet. It is called "living" aka Weight Watchers. I have been thinking and pondering about this for awhile and I made the plunge.

I have slowly put on weight the past THIRTEEN years. But the thing that pushed me over the edge is BEER. Michael taught me how to drink good beer and well I enjoy it. We have gone to Taco Mac at least every other week for a date. Between the queso and the beer, it all went straight to my hips.

So, I really think I can do this. It is regimented and organized and it's a PLAN. Whenever the doctor would say "Eat right and excercise" I always felt like I needed more.

So I may never update anyone on my "diet", but I felt like I needed to get it out there. I have made it through one weekend without any major pitfalls, and unfortunately no beer. But I'm not starving or having a really hard time, so I can do this...right???

Wednesday, March 26, 2008

Head Above Water

I promise I'm still here, but I feel like I'm barely keeping my head above water right now!!! The thing about getting a degree in education is that it is not really rocket science, but there are lots of projects that require a lot of work. So I am in the middle of those right now. I have laundry piled up really high and I'm just not sure when my next break will be!! I will be done the beginning of May, so there is an end in sight, but there is just a lot in between. I have LOTS of cute pictures to share from the boys soccer games and I will post soon!!!

Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Our Born Perfomer

Carter and I love a song that he sings at preschool called "Tiny Tim". Maizy ate his stuffed turtle so I got him a turtle puppet just like Ms. Nancy's, his music teacher from school. He absolutely loves it! He even let me video him singing the song!! You may have to turn the music down at the bottome of the blog to hear him singing it...

Rock On

Zack had his debut in the Kindergarten program last Thursday night. Zack is not what you would call a "performer". He knows he has to be up there, but I know in his mind he is thinking about all of the other things he would rather be doing...not unlike his father. I just had to share a picture with you that we got right before the performance began...what a stud!

Monday, March 10, 2008

For Tricia

I have been following for the last few months an amazing journey of an amazing family. I have them linked on the side (Nate, Tricia and Gwyneth). Through their blog I was linked to another blog where this mother encouraged all other blogging mommies to make a list of the things we can't wait for Tricia to experience with her little one. Check out the post here.

Somedays I feel like I can't remember what it was like when they were little bitty but then there are times like yesterday as I was cleaning out the linen closet, I came across ALL of Zack's blankies. Just putting them up to my face and breathing in the smell of them and feeling the texture of them brought memories flooding back to me, here are some of mine...
  • Going to the grocery store and having little old ladies ooh and aah over your sweet baby.
  • Walking into their room before you go to sleep just to watch them sleep (I still do this)
  • In the morning when you go to get them and they have the happiest look on their face because there is no one in the world they would rather start their day with than you.
  • BATHTIME!!!!!
  • The smell of them after bathtime!
  • The first Christmas they actually "get" the whole Santa Claus deal.
  • The first time they bring you flowers, even if they are weeds.
  • Whenever they get hurt they only want you.
  • The first time they get on a school bus (heartbreaking)
  • Feeling the need to hose them down after they have been playing outside.
  • Hearing your child read on their own for the first time.
  • Hearing your child sing "Jesus Loves Me" all by themselves
  • Good night prayers
  • All of the deep conversations you will have about life. i.e. Who made the streets? What does our dog do in Heaven all day?
  • Laughter, more importantly belly laughter

Tricia, I have to stop my list. My heart is so heavy right now... I know that you too will one day have your own list. Gwyneth is going to do some things that are going to seem so simple to anyone else, but to you, her mother, they are seem heart wrenchingly wonderful. I feel so blessed to be able to "be in on" your story. Your complete surrender to the will of God is amazing, and I think of you and your wonderful family everyday. Know that you are being prayed for by me and my two little boys every night. Thank you for sharing with us...

Sunday, March 2, 2008

Does it get any cuter???

So here I sit at my desk working on some school stuff. The kids are out playing, Michael's got the grill going...beautiful Sunday. And then the doorbell rings. Who could that be?? My sweet Carter is at the door with a little bitty flower for ME!!!