Wednesday, February 20, 2008

Carter and Mommy Day!!!

Me: Carter do you know what today is?

Carter: (eyes light up) CARTER AND MOMMY DAY!!

Me: What should we do today?

Carter: Stay home and snuggle.

Insert Heart melting here...

Wednesdays are turning out to be my favorite days. I feel like I can catch up on life, but most importantly I spend some alone time with Carter. I just looked at my calendar and we only have 12 Mommy and Carter days left. He will go to Lottery Pre-K in the fall and I will be in school as well. I will miss these days.

I need to come up with ways that I can spend alone time with each of my fellas when we all get so busy we can't think straight. Michael and I are really good about going on dates and having alone time. I think we both need to be good about doing that with the boys as well. Michael said the other day with a little cheer in his voice "You know we are the third of the way there in getting Zack out of the house". And I leave the room to collect myself! I know it is all going to whiz I am going to stop writing this post right now so I can go snuggle with Carter...


Angie said...

How sweet! I love snuggle time with my boys as well.
When I think that my almost 12 year old will be leaving for college in just like 6 years, it takes my breath away. I can't stand the thought of it. You are right, we must enjoy and cherish each moment we are given with them. Thanks for the reminder!
I hope you are having a great week!

Unknown said...

That was mean of Michael! Hope you have 12 WONDERFUL Carter days and many more beyond!