Tuesday, January 1, 2008

Fun Run

Okay, well this is a little out of order, but I just ran across these pictures. Every year the elementary school wear Zack goes does a fun run. This year it was called The Jingle Jog. Zack really loves these "races". He does one with Michael every year in Smithville, TN when we go to the lake for the Fourth. Unfortunately, he takes them pretty seriously, so we have had to talk to him about be a good loser, even though at his age level it is not a race.

Well, Zack and Matthew (Zack's cousin and best bud) ran the Jingle Jog together. Uncle Stephen was there to keep the boys motivated and moving. The run was a little over a mile long and I was worried about Zack being left in the dust since he is a Kindergartner and Matthew is really fast. But much to my surprise, Zack not only kept up with Matthew, they cheered each other along and left Uncle Stephen in the dust!!! Zack was the first Kindergartener to cross the line and he was very proud of himself. Everyone got a medal so that was very exciting!!