Thursday, January 31, 2008


Update on my mother-in-law:
She is out of surgery, everything went perfectly and she did great. Michael is spening the night again tonight to make sure she does okay. Thanks for all of the love and prayers..

Wednesday, January 30, 2008

Prayers Please!!!!

My mother-in-law needs some prayers. Tomorrow she is headed in for a second back surgery. In the fall of 2006 she had seven vertebrae fused, fall of 2007 she had both of her knees replaced and her back has failed her again. She is in what I would call debilitating pain. This time they are going to completely rod her back. Her movement will be limited, but hopefully she can live with minimal pain. These past few years have been so difficult, because she has had to learn to rely on other people, mostly her husband. So if you don't mind taking a few minutes out of your morning and just pray for her. Her name is Gayle, if you could ask God to heal her.
*I picked this picture because it reminds of a very different time just 6 years ago. She traveled all over for her job. She wasn't married at the time and she would stop in for the night and see a baby or two... Michael and I would fight over who she was going to give a back rub to first. I miss that Gayle...


Wednesday, January 23, 2008

Trader Joe's

Did you know that I am a HUGE Trader Joe's fan, I mean HUGE! The closest one to me is over in East Cobb and it is a hike to get over there. If you don't know about TJs it is the best little grocery. They have everything you need, it's healthy and their prices are better than Publix!!!

My latest favorite TJ recipe is Polenta with Bruschetta. I tried it with shrimp last night, but it did not taste as good as when I used kilbasa. Yummy yummy!!!
Anyway, if you live anywhere near me (West Cobb, Marietta, Georgia) please go to their website and fill out a request for location and make sure to put WEST COBB!!! We really need one!!!

Okay, enough goofing around, I have to go do my homework!!!!


I just had to post something about my sister-in-law Vickie. Vickie is an artist of all sorts. She finds something that interests her, a new technique, materials, and she just goes in head first and makes some of the most amazing things. She is a true artist. She not only finds beauty in works of art, but in the world around her and she has passed that down to her children.

This past weekend the fellas and I went up to Nashville to visit with Michael's family. (sidenote: Michael was at home in front of the fire, yes I know how wonderful I am, just ask Michael's family...wink, wink.) We spent some time "in the city" with Michael's parents and then Saturday headed out to "the country" also known as Leiper's Fork. It is the neatest little community and my sil and bil have built the most amazing house on an amazing piece of property called Hope Ridge.

I could tell you about all the fun the kids had, but I'm not because I am posting to tell you the awesomeness that is my sil. She and her family go to this neat church in Franklin that is in an old factory, but it is really cool. When we walked into the church I asked Vickie if she decorated the place because it looked like an extension of her home. Neat church, neat people. But that is still not the awesomeness. Vickie is a mosaic artist, using pieces of tiles she creates some really neat things. She headed up a project for her church that was mosaic in the very front of the church. Each church member signed their name on the back of one of these tiles. It is really beautiful and I am just so proud of her. Vickie was gracious enough to let me take her picture in front of it and then I wanted my picture with the artist!

Isn't she awesome?

Wednesday, January 16, 2008

My First "Work of Art"

So one of the classes I am taking this semester is Art for Elementary Educators or in some circles it is known as Cut and Paste 101. I am most definitely not an artist and walking into this classroom makes my blood pressure rise slightly. So our first piece of art was called "All About Me". Now go with me here on my project.
My piece from the outside looks like a normal paper sack, nothing spectacular from the outside, just like me...

But you look inside and you see there is more than meets the eye...

So there you have it...Michelle the artist.

Monster Jam!!!!!!

For those of you that don't have little boys you can not even begin to understand the pure joy in a Monster Truck show. I mean it is LOUD, no really it is LOUD and those boys can talk as loud as they want and I still can't hear a word they say. This was our third year to go and it was as fun as ever. We went with the boys, my sister and her family (even my niece liked it), my nephew Josh and Zack's friend (and ours) Austin.
They all did so awesome considering all of the MARTA hopping we did and walking we had to do! We were impressed. Now Zack and Carter are staging all sorts of monster truck shows around the house!!

Monday, January 14, 2008

I'm still here...are you?

I have not disappeared, I have just merely begun spring sememster (although it does not FEEL like spring) at the big KSU. I am taking 5 classes and wondering if I am a lunatic. Lots of reading, lots of projects...I just keep telling myself to take one bite at a time! So I'm not sure if anyone missed me (even my family doesn't make's so easy, just set up a google account) but I promise I'm around, just a little overwhelmed!!!

Monday, January 7, 2008


Because I know God called me into the education profession, it has been reaffirming to me to watch how He over and over showers me with grace and everything I could possibly need to move forward in school. Everytime I think I have hit a road block and begin to get wound up about what is coming next, God always brings me back and gently reminds that He has a purpose for me and that He did not call me to something that could not be done.

That doesn't mean that things aren't going to be uncomfortable and that we won't have to do any sacrificing. But God will not leave me.

So I feel that Michael and I have made a huge decision over the Christmas break. As many of you know this is the crazy time of year that people start registering their little ones for preschool. My kids have been at the same preschool for years and I even taught there. Since I have started back to school I have needed help with Carter. My dear friend Sara has helped us with befor and after school care and it has worked out beautifully. I mean I can always count on her and she doesn't seem stressed out by my little dude.

Well, Sara's little boy is headed to Kindergarten next year and she herself may head back to school so she will no longer be available to help us. After thinking about what we wanted to do and what are options where, Michael and I began to think about a longer day pre-k option for Carter. I was very emotional about it all and Michael, the ever patient husband, tried his best to talk to me about it all.

I couldn't imagine leaving this program that has been a part of my young motherhood. But then I went to God in earnest prayer. I wanted to take the emotion out of this decision. I needed to do right by my family and by Carter. God gave me a peace about our decision. Carter is changing preschools, and headed to what in Georgia is referred to as a lottery Pre-k program. This is an all day program starting in the fall that will open up my flexibility for classes tremendously. We have toured the school and met some of the staff and I know it will be great.

So today when I went to go tell the director that Carter would not be returning in the fall, I was full of doubt. I mean I love the preschool. But I quickly returned to prayer and again was gently reminded of this is what was best for our family.

I feel blessed that I can go to God in prayer over and over and know that He is taking care of our family. He will never get tired of me asking over and over again. The kind of peace I feel is a true treasure.

"Do not be anxious about anyting, but in everything, by prayers and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. And the peace of God which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus." Philippians 4:6-7

Sunday, January 6, 2008

Oops! I Did It Again!

Read the post below...

We went to go see our good friends Bill and Ginny down in Warner Robins yesterday and had a great time. Unfortunately, the trip cost us more than we had intended. I was driving down so that Michael could get some work done in the car. As we were going through the metropolis of McDonough, Georgia I get pulled over. Yes I did!! I was going 87 in a 65!!!!!! Isn't that horrible!!!!! He gave me a break by making it only 79 and he said it won't get reported to my insurance!!!
ONLY ME!!!! This only happens TO ME!!!

Friday, January 4, 2008

This Only Happens to ME!!!!

So I'm driving home this afternoon, after running errands, talking to the boys, just driving along, not bothering anyone. I pull onto my street, stop to get the mail and then I look in my rearview mirror and I see that I am blocking a police car. I'm wondering which on of my neighbors is in trouble. So I pull up the driveway and HE FOLLOWS ME WITH HIS LIGHTS ON!!! All things are running through me head. Michael was working from home, so I knew he was safe. I get out and ask if I could help him and he asked for my drivers license and insurance. I ask why and he says I ran the stop sign in the neighborhood. Who else would get a ticket in their own driveway...ONLY ME!!!!!

Thursday, January 3, 2008

I'm In!!!!!

Well, I received my OFFICIAL letter today that states I have been accepted into the teacher education program. I am no longer a lowly student, I am officially a TEACHER CANDIDATE!!! I registered yesterday for spring semester (it starts Monday) and all I have left are education classes. Here are my classes for this semester and I bet you are not near as excited as I am:
Visual Art for Elementary Educators
Teaching Reading in Early Grades
Curriculum and Assessment
Education of Exceptional Students
Critical Content of Elementary Mathematics II (a lot harder than you think!)

So wish me luck!!!

Wednesday, January 2, 2008

Back to Life...Back to Reality!!

Well, my washing machine is churning away and the Christmas decorations are begging to be put away. Reality is coming back, the holidays are over. I could be sad about it all, but I have decided that I am going to be excited about what changes 2008 has in store for me.
I have to register for some classes for Spring semester this morning and get this house back in order and make sure the kiddos don't kill each other. I could feel overwhelmed, but at least for today I'm going to take a deep breath and only handle one thing at a time, rather than look at it all at once. We'll see how long that lasts...
So as you go back to reality, maybe you will find some comfort in this verse, I know I did...

(Isaiah 40:11):
He tends his flock like a shepherd: He gathers the lambs in his arms and carries them close to his heart; he gently leads those that have young.

Tuesday, January 1, 2008

Pictures of Zack's birthday party

I am having a little trouble with the video below, but I will work on it later... Enjoy the pics!

Zack's Birthday

I can't believe I am a mother of a six year old. He grew so much, not just physically, this past year. I just can't wait to see what six has in store for him! He had a great birthday as well! We had a party at a place called Sportsarama where he was able to choose a couple of sports to play with his friends, play in the arcade and everyone had a chance in the batting cage. We gave Zack a pretend electric guitar and this video shows what he did with it the first time we put it in has hands...he is a true rock n roll star!!

Christmas 2007

We had a very Merry Christmas here in the Vance household! We were surrounded by our family and were truly able to relax!
My parents and Michael's mom and her husband Gentry were there in the early morning hours to watch the kiddos open presents. Then after a good breakfast and a little snooze we played with some toys. Then we worked most of the afternoon preparing Christmas dinner that included my whole family. It was a great day!

Boxing Gloves...Great Idea!

Well, this is what happens when you let Uncle Stephen pick out Christmas presents! Carter got boxing gloves and he decided to use Sam (his almost 13 year old cousin) for a punching bag! Thankfully, Sam is a good sport!

Happy Family. Happy Times.

We hopefully started a new tradition with us Metzger girls. We took a Saturday and baked cookies and let the kids decorate gingerbread houses. It was a great day spent with my mom, sisters and all of the kids. I feel so blessed that we are all so close together!!

Fun Run

Okay, well this is a little out of order, but I just ran across these pictures. Every year the elementary school wear Zack goes does a fun run. This year it was called The Jingle Jog. Zack really loves these "races". He does one with Michael every year in Smithville, TN when we go to the lake for the Fourth. Unfortunately, he takes them pretty seriously, so we have had to talk to him about be a good loser, even though at his age level it is not a race.

Well, Zack and Matthew (Zack's cousin and best bud) ran the Jingle Jog together. Uncle Stephen was there to keep the boys motivated and moving. The run was a little over a mile long and I was worried about Zack being left in the dust since he is a Kindergartner and Matthew is really fast. But much to my surprise, Zack not only kept up with Matthew, they cheered each other along and left Uncle Stephen in the dust!!! Zack was the first Kindergartener to cross the line and he was very proud of himself. Everyone got a medal so that was very exciting!!

It's Gone!!

Zack finally lost his first tooth!!! He bounced off the bus from school proudly showing me he had lost his tooth. My first gut reaction, was that I wasn't there to share this momentous occasion with him, but then I realized I didn't have to pull it!

I spoke with his teacher about it later and she said they were in the middle of reading the Polar Express and he kept messing with it. She asked him if he was okay and he said it hurt. She asked if he wanted her to pull it and she said they always say no, but Zack said YES! She said a few wiggles later it was out!

The tooth fairy came and brought $5 because it was the first tooth!
He is pretty proud of his space!!

Carter's Birthday

Carter bounced out of bed on his birthday and said "Mom, look my legs are bigger" and then he said "Goodbye Three, Hellooooo Mr. Four!"
Carter had a great birthday party at a place called "The Playroom". There were trampolines, foam pits, obstacles courses and a moon bounce. Everyone had a good time, especially Michael when he pushed me into the foam pit four times!

Blog Neglect

Happy New Year! Wow! It has been a busy month and I am hoping by the end of today I will have this blog totally updated!!