Tuesday, September 11, 2007


So I thought Zack would be excited about doing homework and getting to act like a "big kid". But the homework we have had is met with tears and whining. Zack says it's just too hard. He was so upset tonight because I was trying to teach him to make his name with a "little a" rather than a "big A". He has been writing his name with all caps.

I talked with Megan, (the 5th grade teacher) tonight and she said some kids are just not ready for homework at this age and if I push it then he will end up hating homework and possibly school. I certainly don't want that to happen. She says to maybe get in the habit of doing homework, but not to make it a big deal for him to do everything perfectly, rather accentuate the positive.

I found myself getting frustrated with myself tonight because I knew whatever approach I was taking was not working. I was sitting there looking at him while he was in tears, wondering if I can't help my own son with homework, how was I ever going to teach a whole classroom of kids.

Thought???? Ideas???? Tips???? Margarita Recipes????


Unknown said...

A's the same way. I try to limit it to a few minutes -she absolutely HATES it! I wanna tell her to "get used to it babe - it's there for life now!!"

Unknown said...

I can share the world famous Walker Margarita Recipe with you!!!