Wednesday, January 21, 2009


So that's what yesterday was for many Americans. Hopefully, no matter their political affiliation they saw the HUGENESS in yesterday. I, for one, did not support Barack Obama, but will support this administration now. I've noticed over the past two days that the people that where ignorant and said they didn't watch the inauguration, or didn't want to be a part of anything are truly sad people. These people, in my personal opinion, are the ones who make statements without research, who are stubborn and unwilling to listen to other people.

That being said... I still disagree with the policies he said he would implement during his campaign. I am a true conservative. I want less federal government and more control given to state and local governments. And the big idea for Democrats is to have bigger central government. I digress...

As I listened to his speech I was struck by how many times he said "hard work". I really really really really hope that we ALL will put in the hard work it is going to take to turn this ship around.

But here are the two points that I find myself still frustrated on:
First, the media and Liberals keep blaming George W. Bush and his administration for the problems our country is facing. Do we really think that all of these problems can lay firmly on the shoulders of one man? Really??? I don't. I think many people are to blame. People who are selfish and greedy. Everywhere from the big business man who was more interested in cushioning his books down to the ill-informed home buyer that bought a bigger house than they could afford. We are all to blame. I hope that when things really get "shook" out that Bush will come out better than he is right now.
Second, I really liked Obama's speech. I thought that it was what we all wanted to hear that day. That the United States is still strong and viable, just some hard work will get us back on track. And then Rev. Lowery came out. I was so excited to see him there. What a moment for him. So many times this man had worked tirelessly to help America achieve "the dream". He sacrificied so much. And in this moment he was able to say a prayer for our President and our country. I was so ready to applaud...and then...he said...
"And White will do what is right"... What? Did I just hear that right? Did he just make a racist statement while praying. Okay, I've heard it all before and I believe it. The white race has dominated American history. He first hand saw the suffering that racism has caused. But why here? Why now? Why did he have to bring up race?? I am a white woman that was raised in a home where racism was not tolerated, I raise my children in a home that does not distinguish people by the color of their skin. What am I doing that is so wrong that I must be prayed for because of the color of my skin. Reverend Lowery please tell me!!
Okay, I'm done.
On to another subject...are the Obama girls not the cutest things ever?? I will love watching them grow up!


Anonymous said...

You know that I was in the same boat with you during the elections. I am one of those people who didn't watch the inauguration yesterday or want to... I would most definitely say that it wasn't from a position of ignorance nor intolerance... It was however my choice and one that I stand by. I do and did acknowledge the historical significance of yesterday's events and still do respect the office of the President and always will. I however wasn't interested in the way that what is a very solemn and momentous occasion has now become a "rock star" event. I was able to attend the 2004 Inauguration/Parade and Texas/Wyoming Ball and consider it a great honor and right as an American citizen.... Ignorance and making an educated decision are two very different things.

Michelle said...

Okay, I would agree with you and I apologize for my blanket statement. I was a little frustrated because I found myself surrounded by ignorance and I really.can't.stand.that.
It is unreal what policies he has already turned over in his FIRST WEEK...what will they do in a whole term????

Anonymous said...

Oh good... I was afraid you were thinking that I was ignorant and I was gonna have to say something! ;o) You know I love you....I really shink sho!

But I agree on seeing what he does in a whole term. I am reserving judgement I suppose.... I respect his office...I am waiting to give him as a person my total respect. I don't know enough about him yet.
