Some of you might know that Carter calls me "Pretty Pretty Princess". I'd love to say that he came up with that on his own, but no, his mother brainwashed him into saying it. Well, today it came back to haunt me.
I was up at the elementary school volunteering after school making copies. So Carter normally will hang out with my niece, Maggie and he knows his way around the school pretty well. At about 4 o'clock, knee deep in copies, I hear over the intercom "Michelle, if you are still in the building Carter is at the ASP (after school program) desk, could you please come get him". Great!!! The place I would like to be hired someday is realizing that I can't even keep up with my three year old.
When I go to retrieve my child this lady is just laughing as she is walking away from Carter. She apparently saw Carter wandering the halls and didn't know who he was so he asked him who his mommy was and he said "Pretty Pretty Princess". And that's all he would tell her. So she walked him to the ASP desk and the lady there knew him and was able to call for me, but he just kept saying my name was "Pretty Pretty Princess". He was pretty proud of himself when I found him.
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